Monday, December 24, 2018

America Needs An Attitude Adjustment

America is sick! Don’t get me wrong. I love the good ole USA but the honest truth is we are not the home of the free anymore. We are not free of prescription medications that are being handed out like candy. As a society we are not free of fear about cancer or whatever horrible disease that is lurking around the corner. We are not free of our addictions. We are not free of chronic pain. We are not free of fatigue and stress. We are not free of fear of running out of money. We are not free of fear of not being loved. We are not a free nation.
America needs an attitude adjustment. Something is not working. I see patients every day coming in to my office that is depressed and stressed out to the degree that it has affected their physical health. All disease is caused by some type of stress over a long period of time. This can be emotional, mental or physical stress. And all of it is a spiritual disconnection. Many experts now agree that emotional stress is the number one cause of many cancers.
What can you do to keep yourself healthier? As Zig Ziglar said many years ago, “take a check up from the neck up, stop your stinking thinking and I will see you at the top.” No better suggestion could be written. Take a check up on how you are thinking. You know when you are down and not feeling your best. Why? Whenever you are not feeling your best you are not thinking right. Jesus called it “righteous thinking.” If you are thinking like Jesus you will have the right outlook in whatever happens in your life. As your thinking changes your health will improve. I know it will. Just try monitoring your thought this week and see where you can improve.
If you would like more information about how to do this check out my book on Amazon. It is titled Resurrection by Jerome Weber or come to our website at www.hwofc or view my videos on You Tube under Dr. Jerry Weber

Health is wealth. May you prosper,

Dr. Jerry Weber,ND

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Today I wanted to write about a mistake that many medical doctors are making on clients every day. I see this misdiagnosis coming into my office every week. The mistake I am talking about is the diagnosis of their patients that is made when the person complains about heartburn. Now when I was growing up heartburn was not a disease - it was just the result of eating spicy foods or something that didn't agree with us. But, today this symptom has now been officially declared as "Gerd."
As a Naturopath doctor I do not diagnose these symptoms, but most of my clients who come to me have already been diagnosed and put on an anti-blocker - the standard prescription for these symptoms. As the name implies, the drug is a proton pump inhibitor - meaning that it stops the production of hydrochloric acid. And I guess that makes sense IF there was too much hydrochloric acid being produced but the NATURAL HEALTH TRUTH is: In most cases the same symptoms that the person is experiencing can be caused by too little hydrochloric acid as well. And there is no way that any doctor knows that this medicine is correct without a test to measure the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
One of our patients had some burning in her sternum area and her MD wanted to put her on a acid blocker. The lady is sixty years old. The fact is the older we become the less hydrochloric acid our body produces so I was almost certain the diagnosis was not correct. As I advised, she asked the doctor to do a stomach acid test, he refused and she said no to the medicine. She came in to my office. I examined her and found that her cardiac valve was damaged. We had it repaired in two weeks and her symptoms were almost gone. The medicine would never have fixed the problem - only covering up the symptoms.
The correct amount of hydrochloric acid is imperative for perfect digestion and perfect digestion is essential for perfect health. If you or a loved one is on an acid blocker there is no way you are digesting your foods properly which guarantees you a failure of health in the near future..
                                          DISEASE IS NOT A DRUG DEFICIENCY

If you watch any T.V. you see and experience the onslaught of people being told about the newest diseases and miracle drugs that will let them dance, sing and have the life they have always dreamed about. But, wait, what about that fast talking voice that is spewing the side effects and naming these terrible things that might happen?
The United States is a drug dependent nation. We have our children on drugs yet we scream "Say No To Drugs." Oh, I know these are legal drugs that have been prescribed. And yes, I understand that in some cases drugs can save lives, and keep people feeling better. There is an absolute place for prescription drugs but...disease is not a drug deficiency.
What is not being done correctly is addressing a person' s health concerns on an individual basis. A drug will never cure anything. It can't. It is designed to block or stop some action of the body. Does that sound right?
The approach that makes the most sense to me is to understand that every symptom is the body needing help. This symptom is proof that there is an imbalance in the body. And after helping thousands of people improve their health, I know that whatever your symptoms are there is a natural solution.
Taking a prescription drug or not is always your choice. Taking a pill or two each day that the insurance company will pay for and the pain is gone sounds like a winning combination but be careful - do you want to get healthier which is going to take more effort or just feel better as soon as possible without any effort? Whatever you choose remember that health is wealth. Don't take it for granted. Do your homework and I do believe that you will see that since a drug is NOT the cause of disease it would be in your best interest to find out the root cause and fix that so you can be healthier. That is what we do using the Body Body System at Health and Wellness of Carmel.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What is Wellness?

Wellness is one of those words that get used by many people but as we hear the word do we really know what it means?
The Wellness "movement" started in the 1970's by an innovative doctor named Dr.John Travis. He questioned the status quo by suggesting there was another choice of describing whether a person was free of disease or not free of disease and he coined that thought as "wellness."
I hear many people claim that they are "healthy" although they are on medications because they did not feel sick or have the symptoms of a certain disease. They might not be able to eat a meal without burping or being out of breath when the try to climb some steps, but they think they are healthy because they have not been diagnosed by an MD that they had "it." these people do  to have wellness. They do not have who lenses. Something is not right. It is out of balance
Wellness is not the lack of something like disease. It is a positive state of energy, vitality, enthusiasm and the ability to do what you desire to do with no worries or fear. It is when all systems are balanced and ready to go. True wellness happens when our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies come together as one "wholistic" being.
We have to let go of our fear of disease. We must understand that disease is not the "boogie man" waiting for us around the next corner. We must take responsibility with our health. We must learn how to make the correct choices. Each of us create our own disease or health. We always have the choice. So, if we create disease we can also uncreate disease and create wellness. How we think. What we say. What we eat and drink. All of these are your choice to bring disease to your body or bring health, harmony, wellness and a long, vibrant life. Which do you desire?
What is stopping you from experiencing wellness? Whatever it is take action now to rebalance your body and you will move another step in the direction to amazing health.

Enjoy the journey,

Dr. Jerry Weber, ND

Thursday, June 13, 2013

One Woman's Journey to Freedom

I seen one of my clients today. I was so proud of her because I knew that today she was free. She was free of pain, of suffering like I had seen her for the last year. When I met this lovely woman she was referred to me. The other practitioner was puzzled and promised her I could help her.
When we started she was hurting - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.  The question is always where do we start. I always start with digestion. As soon as we got her digestive cycle working perfectly she received more energy which gave her hope. She knew we had a long way to go. Anybody thinking about going the natural health route must understand it is not for people looking for a quick fix. It is slow and the only way to truly get healthy, which is exactly how this girl won her health back.
No, it was not easy. She worked with us with a full commitment of faith, time, effort and cost. She had appointments with me every month and never missed. She was committed to have better health. She even at one time during the work with me and another energy healer realized she had to get a divorce to truly find herself and do it with perfect grace.
When I seen her today she was glowing. She was happy. These are things we all need to have to be healthy. By making choices in her life - sometimes scary choices, if she had allowed the negative images in her head, she has designed a new person. She is now free of all pain, all disease. Her energy is abundant and her vibration draws you in like a magnet. Her soul is free. She is living the life of abundant health and I am proud of her and happy I can say that with the help of God I was able to help another human being discover the true purpose of life - to live healthy with passion and joy

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Indigestion of America

Indigestion - the inability to digest food, is an epidemic in the United States today with antacids and stomach relief one of the most sold over the counter medicines. What is causing this problem and how to fix it is my focus in this blog.
You have probably heard the saying "you are what you eat." But, just because we say it and hear this statement it does not mean it is true. This erroneous claim is not completely untrue but is only a very small part of the "Natural Health Truth."
It is true that what we eat is very important to our health. We can not be any healthier than the foods that we eat. These foods are the source of all of our "gas". You wouldn't think about putting "junk" gas in your car because we all know it was would damage our car. But, how many of us don't think twice about eating junk food? 
So, yes, what we eat is an important part of achieving perfect health, but what if the food you are eating does not get digested properly? The definition of digestion is: the breaking down of food into smaller particles called nutrients, preparing them for absorption into the body where they will be used for energy or stored by the body.
Millions of Americans have been suffering from digestion problems for years. Burping, belching and bloating have become a "normal" part of eating for many of us. But the Natural Health Truth is; when your digestion is working perfectly you won't feel anything!
If you are of these many Americans who suffer from some type of food intolerance than start with a digestive enzyme (watch for more information from me about enzymes). You can either start with a basic enzymes, which should contain protease, amylase, and lipase.
These are the basic enzymes that will help you digest your protein, carbs and fats. Or you could make an appointment with a Naturopath doctor like myself and you will get an individualized protocol of the exact enzymes your body needs. 
By using enzymes at every meal will help you have better digestion, more energy and you will be on another step toward Perfect Health.

Health is WEalth. May you prosper.

Dr. Weber, ND

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Today I wanted to write about a mistake that many medical doctors are making on clients every day. I see this misdiagnosis coming into my office every week. The mistake I am talking about is the diagnosis of their patients that is made when the person complains about heartburn. Now when I was growing up heartburn was not a disease - it was just the result of eating spicy foods or something that didn't agree with us. But, today this symptom has now been officially declared as "Gerd."
As a Naturopath doctor I do not diagnose these symptoms, but most of my clients who come to me have already been diagnosed and put on an anti-blocker - the standard prescription for these symptoms. As the name implies, the drug is a proton pump inhibitor - meaning that it stops the production of hydrochloric acid. And I guess that makes sense IF there was too much hydrochloric acid being produced but the NATURAL HEALTH TRUTH is: In most cases the same symptoms that the person is experiencing can be caused by too little hydrochloric acid as well. And there is no way that any doctor knows that this medicine is correct without a test to measure the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
I had a client email me and because of some burning in her sternum area her MD wanted to put her on a acid blocker and the lady is sixty years old. Since the truth is; the older we get the less hydrochloric acid our body produces, I was certain the conclusion was not correct. So, I suggested to my client she asked her doctor to do a test to measure the hydrochloric acid in her stomach? My client asked the doctor to do the test, he refused and she said no to the medicine. She came in to my office. I examined her and found that her cardiac valve was damaged. We had it repaired in two weeks and her symptoms were almost gone. The medicine would never have fixed the problem - only covering up the symptoms.
The correct amount of hydrochloric acid is imperative for perfect digestion and perfect digestion is essential for perfect health. If you or a loved one is on an acid blocker there is no way you are digesting your foods properly which guarantees you a failure of health in the near future..