Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Is Your Story?

After listening to hundreds of clients in my natural health practice I am amazed at the stories, the diagnosis, the outrageous names of all of the diseases, and the worst part of it all is the patient knows what they are, how to spell them and everything about what they now "own."
I sat down with a new client today and listened as she told me everything she had, was taking and how terrible she felt and she went on and on and on....not understanding that this was part of her problem - her story focused around her being sick. After politely listening I had to interrupt by pointing out to her that she was focsued on health and disease instead of health. I then shocked her but after she thought about it she understood. After explaining how negative thinking, anger and being focused on ill health was causing alot of her problems. Her comment back to me was, "yes, but that is just hwho I am, I don't know any other way to be." This was her story.
What is your story? What does your story focus on - health or illness; wealth or poverty; happiness or anger, possitive or negative thoughts. Your story is you. You can change your story. Change the focus if it doesn't make you feel good. Focus on a higher , better more positive picture of your life.
The Natural Health Truth is you are what you focus on. Your story tells people what you are focusing on by giving them a picture of a positive successful human being or another of the many who are living with anger and excuses. The truth is you make your story so make it the way you want it. Start today!!!

The Truth is always simple, but not always easy.

Dr. Jerry Weber

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The First Step Toward Perfect Health

As many of you have heard, the body is composed of 85% water. Most of us KNOW that fact but my experience as a Naturopath assessing people's health every day I see most people are dehydrated. People go to health practitioners and I hate to say but some are more interested in selling you lots of herbs. And I will be the first to shout the power and necessity of herbs to help you heal BUT, water is more important than all the herbs combined!
Water is the universal solvent. It transports all your nutrients into your body and your waste out of your body. Water cleanses and cools the body. Hopefully by now you know how important it is to our health.
The Natural Health Truth is that water is the first and formost nutrient you need to make sure you are not deficient. To know how much water you need use this formula; divide your current body weight by 2. The answer is how many ounces of water your body needs to work effectively. Try it.
You might be like one of my clients. She had been battling fatigue, headaches and pain "from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet." Once I got her to drink her recommended amount of water it was the first time she had felt energy and no pain! The only thing we changed was drinking the correct amount of water.
Water is simple. Truth is simple. Water is truth to perfect health.

Dr. Jerome Weber, ND

Monday, April 26, 2010

CHAKRAS - The Answer To A Headache

Today my story comes from a client that I had a phone health visit. I work with many clients from across the United States who I only know through the telephone and email. That is okay. To understand what I am getting ready to tell you, you must understand how kinesiology (muscle testing- MT)works with energy. You must understand that the body is an electromagnetic field that is always gathering information through what is called CHAKRAS. These "ports of entry" are invisible but crucial in whole health.
My client complained of a severe stabbing like pain causing a headache in the middle of his forehead. My intuition jumped in, reminding that I had seen this one other time - the 6th Chakra had expanded too large. So, you are probably wondering how I would know that the size of the chakra was too big. It has been measured by muscle testing. One of my mentors states that the chakra should be 4" in diameter. In my degree of MT I believe 4.1". His "3rd eye" chakra was over 8" in diameter. Any way we looked at it the chakra was letting in too much energy and he was suffering.
I knew that I had to reduce it back down to size, but how? The other time I had used a diode but this client didn't have a diode. I was told by Spirit for him to use his hand.
The NATURAL HEALTH TRUTH for today is that your hand has healing powers. The palm side of your hand is a positive charge while the back of your hand is a negative charge. By placing your hand on an area of your body it gives it energy if it is needed. If the area has much much energy than the back of the hand works.
Using this Truth of healing he had relieved his headache. It was gone with no medicine. God is good.

Dr. Jerome Weber, ND


Sunday, April 25, 2010

No More Migraines

Hello everybody. My name is Dr. Jerome Weber. I am a Naturopath Doctor who helps people heal naturally. This is my first blog and the purpose of this blog is to give you more information - information that you won't read many places. What I will be writing about is my day to day health cases that I work with every day. I plan on giving you the good and the bad, what worked and didn't work. I will keep you updated on my clients and of course all their names will be changed to protect their privacy.
So, why do I think that this information is important enough for you to read this and for me to write it is that our country is going through a health care nightmare. The question is when are we going to wake up! Our health care in this country is NOT health care. It is sick care. I see more sick people and hear more horror stories today than ever. Americans are not getting healthier. In all due respect to our medical community I do believe very strongly there is a time for medication and surgeries. And I do if we find ourselves in a trauma situation or emergency the medical care in the United States is the best - but not in keeping us healthy.
As a Naturopath, I have studied many years and have done health assessments on thousands of people. Today I would like to tell you about one of my clients - we will call him SICK.
SICK came to me from a referral from a very good herbalist. He walked into my office wrapped up as if he was going to rob the place - baseball hat, dark sunglasses and earphones as if he was listening to mP-3 but wasn't. This young man of 30 had been experiencing migraine headaches everyday for the past 7 years. He couldn't stand light, noise. He couldn't work, couldn't sleep. He had been on meds for the last 15 years. So what was the "truth?" What information could I find about his body that could lead us to perfect health? It was time to become "the health detective."
I use kinesiology or muscle testing for the health assessments. I will expand on that technique at a later time so for now if you stay with me you will learn many things that kinesiology will prove as a natural health truth.
The first "truth" for SICK was I doscovered mildew in his brain. Mildew is a very serious problem for many of us. The numbers of clients that I see that have mildew is increasing. Through muscle testing I tested that he had been infected for many years - which he had been sick yet NO BODY EVER TESTED HIM FOR THE PRESENCE OF MILDEW! I found it in the first 5 minutes of the exam. Because of this mildew in the brain he had inflammation which was causing pressure. Our first protocol was to eliminate the source of the mildew, kill the mildew and reduce the inflammation, which we have now done successfully. He has no more migraine headaches. He does not have to wear all of the protective gear now. Is he completely well - no way. He still has along way to go on the journey to perfect health but he has taken the first step.
The truth is if SICK had traveled the well worn road of medicine they would have had him on more medicine but that would not work becuase it does not address the core reason for the problem. Instead we used non-invasive,proven techniques that worked. SICK is living proof that natural health works and I thank God everyday that I can live my life purpose healping people heal naturally.
Until next time - "Health is wealth. May you prosper."