Monday, December 24, 2018

America Needs An Attitude Adjustment

America is sick! Don’t get me wrong. I love the good ole USA but the honest truth is we are not the home of the free anymore. We are not free of prescription medications that are being handed out like candy. As a society we are not free of fear about cancer or whatever horrible disease that is lurking around the corner. We are not free of our addictions. We are not free of chronic pain. We are not free of fatigue and stress. We are not free of fear of running out of money. We are not free of fear of not being loved. We are not a free nation.
America needs an attitude adjustment. Something is not working. I see patients every day coming in to my office that is depressed and stressed out to the degree that it has affected their physical health. All disease is caused by some type of stress over a long period of time. This can be emotional, mental or physical stress. And all of it is a spiritual disconnection. Many experts now agree that emotional stress is the number one cause of many cancers.
What can you do to keep yourself healthier? As Zig Ziglar said many years ago, “take a check up from the neck up, stop your stinking thinking and I will see you at the top.” No better suggestion could be written. Take a check up on how you are thinking. You know when you are down and not feeling your best. Why? Whenever you are not feeling your best you are not thinking right. Jesus called it “righteous thinking.” If you are thinking like Jesus you will have the right outlook in whatever happens in your life. As your thinking changes your health will improve. I know it will. Just try monitoring your thought this week and see where you can improve.
If you would like more information about how to do this check out my book on Amazon. It is titled Resurrection by Jerome Weber or come to our website at www.hwofc or view my videos on You Tube under Dr. Jerry Weber

Health is wealth. May you prosper,

Dr. Jerry Weber,ND